Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Tutu's Lemon Ice Cream

This is one of my all-time favorites, second only to Tutu's Orange Sherbet.  My grandma knew her ice cream.  Is there anything better than lemon in the summer?  Plus it is super easy; the hardest part is juicing the lemons-which is not that hard.  Sorry, no picture.  It's always gone before I remember to take one. 

A couple of tips: If you chill the canister and the ingredients before you put them in your freezer, your ice cream will freeze faster.  I always allow more time than it says in the freezer instructions, because it always seems to take a little longer. If you have a lactose intolerant family member, I use rice milk.  It's not as creamy-more like a sorbet-but equally delicious. I tried soy milk, but it had a weird aftertaste.

I am also including the directions for a mini 1-quart freezer.  Some of the measurements seem a little funky, but they work.

Tutu's Lemon Ice Cream
6-quart freezer version
3 quarts half & half
6 cups sugar
Juice of 12 lemons
6 teaspoons lemon rind

Combine the above ingredients and stir until sugar is dissolved.
Freeze according to your ice cream freezer's instructions.

mini version:
(This will make approximately one quart of ice cream)
3 cups of half & half
1 ½  cups of sugar
Juice of 2 ¾   lemons
1½ teaspoons lemon rind
Combine the above ingredients and stir until sugar is dissolved.
Freeze according to your ice cream freezer's instructions.
**We called my grandma Tutu because she was in Hawaii when her first grandchild was born.  Tutu means grandma in Hawaiian-isn't that cute?  My Tutu was adorable.

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